Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Baked pasta (1)

After a failed attempt at baked pasta quite some time back (coz everything became too dry), I decided to give it a try again after reading through some recipes. I also realised that it's important to have a mixture of cheeses when it comes to baked pasta. And I was so glad that everything turned out good this time, though the amount was a bit too much for the 2 of us. So, here is my own (successful) baked pasta recipe.

Ingredients :

- 250g of fusilli pasta
- 1 onion, cut into strips
- 4 shittake mushrooms
- 2 sausages (I used garlic pork sausages)
- about 370g of pasta sauce
- 1/4 cup of water
- shredded mozzarella and parmesan cheese, amount depends on how cheesy you like your pasta to be

Directions :

1) Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius.

2) Bring a pot of slightly salted water to boil and cook the fusilli according to instructions on the box. It is good to overcook the pasta a little, maybe about 2-3 minutes so it will not be too tough after baking.

3) Add a bit of oil into the frying pan and cook the sausages for about 4 minutes. Remove from pan and set aside.

4) In the same pan, add in the onion and cook till it starts to soften and add in the mushrooms (I did it this way coz the mushrooms will get cooked faster than the onion). Return the sausage to the pan and stir to combine. Add in the fusilli, pasta sauce and water. Mix well. Remove from heat.

5) Using a glass baking dish, I spread out half of the pasta, followed by a mixture of the two cheeses, then cover it with the remaining pasta, and some more cheese on top.

6) Put into the oven and baked till the cheese on top turns slightly brown and bubbly.


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