Saturday, July 31, 2010


Been quite busy since starting on the new job at the end of June. Can't believe one month passed by so fast! Hadn't had time to blog for the whole of July. And I realised I kind of missed cooking...

Friday, July 02, 2010

Auntie Tips (24)

Tip 1:
Don't throw out the desiccant sachets from your vitamin bottles - put them in cookie jars to keep biscuits fresh longer

Tip 2:
Use creamy peanut butter to remove the residue left by sticky labels on glass.

Tip 3:
To remove stains on cups or utensils, rub crushed egg shells over the stains, then rinse.

Tip 4:
Place a slice of apple in hardened brown sugar to soften it.

From : Simply Her - Oct 2007

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