Thursday, March 19, 2009

Speak Mandarin

A sequel to Levynn's Post.

(Disclaimer: Juz my personal opinion, if you feel offended in anyway, please leave. If you don't understand what I am typing becoz Mandarin is the only language you know now, please call 1800-WHO-CARES)

First of all, I think I am juz that little teeny weeny bit smarter bah.. I know Teochew, Hokkien, English, Mandarin and along the way, picked up a little Japanese though its all gone now.. LOL..

Anyways, jokes aside, I simply dont understand what or where are we going now, after being recommended to 'throw' away our roots. Abandon dialects to go for Mandarin to reach out to 1,300 million Chinese in the China? I recommend everyone to migrate there, why work here with a population of only 5 million where everything is saturated, everyone should migrate to China, you can tap on the 1,300 million people there.

No doubt the World is changing, but the way I am getting the message is: 'Cut those traditional family ties, go seek $$$ where it matters the most..' 六亲不认? I thought the Moral Education has always been teaching us '饮水思原' which is never to forget our roots??

Seriously, is our education system flawed nowadays? Or are Sillyporeans getting 'stupider'? Many years back, English & Mother Tongue were 2 languages that were considered very important.. Soon after, it became clear that English was the main priority and slowly, Mother Tongue language suddenly became VERY difficult.. Was it becoz we added millions of new characters in it?? No. What happened?? Juz a few years back, it suddenly became that children are having difficulty picking up and learning Mother Tongue, instead of pushing across the importance then, we suddenly agreed that its very hard and relooked into the way its being taught. And now, they say its important again, and we have to stop talking in our own dialects so that we can practice Mandarin?? Anyways, I think our education system has gone haywired since a few years ago and no one is getting it back on track.

Actually, how come we cannot think this way.. If you are going to develop relationships with 1,300 million people by speaking Mandarin, everyone in the World would be doing that, but IF you knew a certain dialect, say example Teochew or Cantonese, no doubt the market size is smaller, but doesn't it bring the customer closer to you?? You feel greater affinity in that way??

Indians and Chinese flock into our lands and work here as Foreign Talents or Foreign Workers, they try very hard to speak our language here, English or Singlish, but why aren't they being treated like they are part of us?? Hey, they are speaking our language here leh.. I am very lost now.. I am very worried, should I re-format my brain and delete the Teochew.lng, Hokkien.lng files and upgrade my Mandarin.lng program so I know more?? LOL


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