Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Auntie tips (12)

Tip 1:
Don't drain pasta too thoroughly after boiling. Leave 3 or 4 tablespoons of the liquid in the pot and stir in sauce. The liquid helps the sauce to cling to the pasta so it is more tasty.

Tip 2:
Do not wrap foods containing natural acids such as tomatoes, onions and lemons, in aluminium foil. A chemical reaction caused by the acids and the foil can affect the taste of the food, so use plastic wrap instead. Salty foods can cause foil to rust.

Tip 3:
To prevent those tiny beetles - or rice weevils - from multiplying in uncooked rice, place a few dried chillies in the rice bin.

Tip 4:
To clean artificial flowers, pour some salt into a plastic bag and toss the flowers in. Shake vigorously. The salt will help to remove dust and dirt from the flowers.

Tip 5:

Use air freshener to clean mirrors. It leaves a lovely smell to the shine.

Tip 6:

Spray a little perfume on light bulbs for a lovely soft scent when the light is turned on.

From : Simply Her - Feb 2007, Mar 2007


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