Monday, May 03, 2010

To the cinema : Ip Man 2

I can't remember if there were any sequels to any movies that we looked forward to as much as Ip Man 2. A little more than a year has passed since the first Ip Man movie had came out, and it's always a little worrying that sequels will never be as good as the first.

But after watching it, I personally felt that it was almost as good as the first movie. In the first movie, it was Chinese vs Japanese, and in this sequel, it was Chinese vs British. Since it was a semi-biographical film, the storyline is kind of simple and expected. So nothing much to say about it without revealing the whole movie. But no complaints there coz the fight scenes and Donnie Yen alone makes up for everything! Haha.


rbm May 22, 2010 at 12:47 PM  

finally i read someone thking tt this is as good as if not better than the first..haha...i like it too!

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