Saturday, May 28, 2011

To the cinema : Pirates of the Carribean - On Stranger Tides

Movie buffs would be horrified to know that this was our first movie in 2011. It's not like we don't like to go to the movies, I just feel that there isn't any need to go watch a movie because it's new, or just for the sake of meeting the target of going to the cinema once a week. And not to mention the high ticket price, since we can only make time mostly on Friday evenings. So we, or rather me, am quite selective about what movies to watch at the cinemas.

This was a completely new episode, new story line. No more Kiera Knightly or Orlando Bloom (insert sad face here). But there was still the quirky Jack Sparrow. However, I felt that even the captain couldn't create much excitement, except maybe for the part when I was anticipating for the mermaids' appearance.
Couldn't help but felt that this episode wasn't as interesting and exciting as the previous ones with Davy Jones (Dead Man's Chest and At World's End) in them.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Auntie Tips (29)

Tip 1:
To tie a parcel securely, dip the string in hot water - the string will shrink and tighten when it dries.

Tip 2:
Recycle charcoal ashes from your barbecue by using them to scrub metal cooking pots - it removes charred stains and restores shine.

Tip 3:
To get electrical switch plates white and shiny again, wipe with a cotton pad and some nail polish remover.

Tip 4:
Remove ballpoint pen marks from clothing or handbags by rubbing with 70% isopropyl alcohol (found at pharmacies). Test on an inconspicuous area first.

Tip 5:
Separate drinking glasses that are stuck together by filling the inner one with cold water and dipping the outer one in hot water.

Tip 6:
To keep chillies from growing mouldy, pluck off the stems then wrap in newspaper and refrigerate.

Tip 7:
Clean patent leather with a slice of white bread. It wipes off smudge marks and brings back the shine.

Tip 8:
Remove rust from tools by rubbing with a paste of salt and lemon juice.

From : Simply Her - Mar 2008

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

And so there goes another year...

To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am.
- Bernard Baruch

It's almost impossible to try to "forget" your own birthday these days. With Facebook, all your friends will know it's your birthday, and though it's heart warming to receive the well wishes, they are also reminders that age is catching up. 

But so far, I'm still not dreading the arrival of my birthday, so I guess it isn't that bad yet. ;p

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