Friday, January 18, 2008

Auntie tips (10)

Tip 1:
If you want to re-cork a bottle of wine but can't find the original, it's okay to use an old one. Just boil the cork for a few minutes to soften it. Now it's malleable enough to fit into the narrow opening.

Tip 2:
To keep away mosquitoes, cut off the pomelo skin and put it inside a fishnet laundry bag. Hang the bag on the window grill. The pomelo skin, when in contact with sunlight, will give off a pleasant fragrance and will naturally repel mosquitoes.

Tip 3:
To take the sting out of burn spots while cooking, soak or dab the areas with cold milk. It will relieve the pain and aid in healing.

Tip 4:
When water does not flow as smoothly from the shower head, remove it and soak it in vinegar. This will clear the grime and dirt trapped inside.

Tip 5:
Make your silver shine like new. Dip a cork from an old wine bottle in olive oil, then use it to rub the tarnish off the pieces.

Tip 6:

When your shoes get soaking wet from walking in the rain, get a bunch of newspapers and crumple them and stuff them inside your shoes. Leave them to dry naturally. That way, the shoes will retain their shape and won't smell.

Tip 7:
To smoothen out scratches on your wooden furniture, simply use some baby oil and baby lotion to wipe over them.

Tip 8:
If you find there is too much oil in your soup, throw in a piece of raw lettuce and the oil will cling to it. Remove the lettuce after a few seconds.

From : Women's Weekly - March 2007, April 2007


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