Saturday, December 19, 2009

Luncheon meat and egg sandwich

There is something about the canned luncheon meat that I will not get tired of. The slight saltiness and the crispiness of it when fried, is forever so addictive. Yes, I know about healthy living and all that stuff. Don't worry. Luncheon meat is not something we eat all the time. We, or rather, I, have it once in a while when the craving sets in.

I can't remember the last time I had a luncheon meat and egg sandwich. But I remembered my mother used to make it for me whenever I went for school excursions during the primary school days. There was this one trip to Sentosa, when it started to rain heavily as we were heading back to the school bus. Since none of us had umbrellas with us, we had to brave through the rain. By the time we got on the bus, my classmates and I were nearly drenched and cold, no thanks to the air-con. At that moment, I remembered the packed luncheon meat and egg sandwiches my mother made for me. And though they were already somewhat soggy, they still tasted wonderful to me. I ate everything while my classmates watched with envy.


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