Sunday, August 26, 2007

A night of lace & leather

So, finally, the Teachers' Day dinner is over. The lace and leather theme dinner I was talking about? Yes. It was all over. And here is the review of the night.

There were two things that took me by surprise.

One, I thought the female teachers would be all decked out in pretty lacy outfits, dresses. But surprisingly, majority just donned a lace top and completed it with jeans or pants, which made me felt a little too overdressed. Some of them kept to the leather theme instead, but I must say, they did look good!

Two, the male teachers were the ones who made the effort to dress up... the "John Travolta" from Grease, Phantom of the Opera (yes, the Phantom.. complete with the mask), a red Indian, and a Gladiator.

Oh, and not forgetting to annouce. After being to so many functions with lucky draws, I finally won something on Friday!! Yeah! The 75th prize, out of the 82 prizes available. (Ray couldn't stop laughing as he opened the prize for me) As expected, not the uZap, iPod, or Nano as I was hoping for, but looking on the bright side, I did get lucky in the lucky draw and the prize at least, was useful. I saw some getting candle holders and bottles of bird's nest. Hmmm.

By the way, forgot to comment about the food. Well, if I've forgot to mention about food, it means that it was not impressive. Out of the 8 courses served, I only like the chicken. It was roasted chicken, with sesame seeds and fried shallots and some kind of sauce. The rest of the dishes were not worth mentioning at all. And as expected, I left Hyatt feeling only half-full. Ray went for a Burger King meal after that. Haha.

Anyway, the husband came to pick me up, with his colleague. We made our way to Geylang and bought the famous soy bean milk and you tiao home for supper. Yum!


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