Saturday, July 02, 2011

To the cinema : Transformers : Dark of the Moon

Ok, so I lied. I know I had said before I don't think I will be watching Transformers 3, if there was any. And I really regret I didn't keep my own promise. In the end, I subjected myself to 2.5 hours of complete boredom. 

Almost an hour, I think, was spent on story-telling, conspiracy theory of the real reason for the launch of Apollo 13 to the Moon, which I personally thought was a little too long. There were so many parts that could be cut away to reduce the "drag". 

I was so relieved when the actions started *finally*, and there was actually a little twist to the story in the middle. But then, once the fighting started, it didn't seemed like it would end. Metal clashing against metal, a super building that took forever to collapse, soldiers shouting endlessly at one another, then everything started all over again. Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

The only thing that I thought was slightly positive from the movie was that Rosie Huntington-Whiteley was actually quite good at acting. Not bad for a Victoria angel. 


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