Sunday, March 07, 2010

Auntie Tips (20)

Tip 1 :
If you have chopped more garlic than what your recipe requires, you can still keep the bunch and maintain their freshness. You can even add a little flavour too. Simply soak the pieces in olive oil inside a bottle and then keep in the fridge.

Tip 2 :
Cut out the bottom of a clean milk jug; turn it upside down and fill it with the plastic bags from grocery shopping. Punch holes on the sides of the jug, insert hooks and hang it in your pantry. To dispense the plastic bags, just pull through the mouth of the jug.

Tip 3 :
To prevent the mess kids might leave behind due to ice-cream dripping from the cone, simply stuff a piece of marshmallow at the botton of the cone to prevent this.

Tip 4 :
When you've purchased new bedsheets, use the plastic cover that comes with it to store your shoes or sandals. It will keep them clean and dust-free, plus you can easily organise them at a glance.

Tip 5 :
Lint and dust are more visible on dark wood furniture. Others may mop it up with a wet cloth, but here's another way to remove those specks : Get a long bottle or a rolled-up magazine, put cellophane tape around it sticky side up and roll it along the surface.

From : Women's Weekly - Jan 2008


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