Saturday, May 23, 2009

To the cinema : Angels & Demons

The "Illuminati Diamond"

Finally found the time to watch the movie. I was very excited when I first heard that Angels & Demons is going to be made into a movie. After reading this and The Da Vinci Code, I actually much preferred the former, maybe because the storyline of Da Vinci Code is much more predictable than Angels & Demons.

However, after watching the movie, I can more or less understand the less than average ratings in the reviews for it. According to the husband who had never read the book, he said it was a "good thriller". For me, however, I don't find it as exciting as The Da Vinci Code movie. There seemed to be something missing in the "thriller" department for this movie, and I just can't figure out what it was. Or maybe it was because I already know the ending to it? Or most likely it was because the disadvantage of movie is the limited time they have to bring out the whole story to the audience, and thus, just only skimmed through the main points of the plot, instead of having much more details and interesting explanations in the novel itself. For example, like the thing with the antimatter, if I didn't read the book, I'm sure to get lost in the explanation from the movie, since I'm not a scientist either.

Now I know why people sometimes say not to watch a movie who is produced from a good novel coz they will usually end up to be disappointing.


kOi May 24, 2009 at 6:21 PM  

hey I just watched it on Fri nite, and I fell asleep on and off....hahaa...I agree, Da Vinci is better !

levynn May 26, 2009 at 9:00 PM  

haha... my friend's friend also fell asleep during the movie.

Chelly May 26, 2009 at 10:21 PM  

let's hope i get to catch this before it goes off odeon! i suspect that it'd be a better watch this time, since i haven't read the book. ^_^

levynn May 27, 2009 at 9:23 AM  


ya... maybe u will like it coz so far i heard, those who haven't read the book, most like the movie

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