Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The midnight intruder

0032 hrs.

It came unannounced, a blurred mass of brown flying in at top speed from the window.

The broom was the first to be used in an attempt to eliminate it. But it was a failure.

Intruder took to the air and went into hiding in the storage room.

Things were moved out of the storage room in order to find its temporary hiding place.

Intruder finally appeared, making a quick landing on the light switch.

A second failed assassination with the newspapers allowed the intruder to make its way to the living room.

A few minutes were spent trying to find its new hiding spot.

Finally, it was found to be squeezed in a gap between the TV set and the TV console.

A third failed execution caused the intruder to make a crash landing in empty slot between the garbage bag and the dustbin.

The stack of newspapers was used to smack desperately at the garbage bag, hoping to kill the intruder this time.

But the intruder managed to escape death for the fourth time, and landed on the ground near the dustbin.

Without wasting any time, the stack of newspapers landed hard on the intruder. Repeatedly.

One! Two! Three!

Smack! Smack! Smack!

The intruder’s back leg gave a little twitch, and it tried to flip itself back on its tiny brown legs.


The lifeless body was removed and disposed into the dead of the night.

0119 hrs.

Quietness and peace finally returned.

Bed time.


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