Friday, October 05, 2007

Auntie Tips (2)

Tip 1:
To clean, polish and remove stickiness on the ivory keys of keyboard instruments, use an old cotton cloth and some toothpaste.

Tip 2:
Place small pieces of bright-coloured fruits, such as raspberries, strawberries, grapes or lemon, into your ice cube tray. Fill the tray with water as usual and freeze. Serve these fruity ice cubes with plain water or any drink of your choice. Brilliant if you are planning a party or having guests over.

Tip 3:

To make bathroom sinks look polished and white, place a layer of paper towels around the sink and saturate with bleach. Leave for 30 minutes then remove with gloves and rinse the sink well.

Tip 4:
Cut a lemon in half then using whole cloves, cover both lemon halves. Lay on a place and place in a room. It will keep mosquitoes away and make the room smell fresh. The lemon will work for up to one month.

Tip 5:
Wear an old sock on each hand like a glove, slightly damp the socks, then go at dusty surfaces with both hands at once.

From : The Singapore Women's Weekly - April 2006


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