Sunday, September 25, 2011

Auntie Tips (31)

Tip 1:
To remove the odour from raw food, rub a few coffee beans on your hands - this releases their oils and absorbs the smell.

Tip 2:
To treat oil stains on garments, moisten and sprinkle talcum powder or plain flour on them. Leave for 15 minutes, then wash with soap and warm water.

Tip 3:
To keep cakes moist for longer, store them in a box with half an apple in it.

Tip 4:
To get your nails whiter, scrub with whitening toothpaste or soak in water with lemon juice.

Tip 5:
When cooking hard-boiled eggs, add a pinch of salt to the water - this makes it easier to peel off the shell.

Tip 6:
Add some vinegar to the water you use to mop your ceramic floor to keep it shiny.

From : Simply Her - May 2008


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