Monday, August 01, 2011

Auntie Tips (30)

Tip 1:
Remove coloured stains from white or silver surfaces by applying toothpaste, then rubbing with a wet cloth.

Tip 2:
To give hair a natural shine, use warm unsweetened tea as a final rinse after shampooing.

Tip 3:
Place a cup of warm milk in your shoe rack for an hour to get rid of musty odours.

Tip 4:
Use old toothbrushes to scrub bathroom corners or to remove stubborn dirt between tiles.

Tip 5:
To clean the inside of a water bottle, put two to three tablespoons of salt in it, add a little water and shake vigorously.

Tip 6:
To remove sticky remnants from your car windows, apply hot oil, leave it for a while, then clean with soap and water.

Tip 7:
To whiten yellowed clothes, soak overnight in 12 parts warm water and 1 part vinegar, and wash in the morning.

Tip 8:
If you have cheese bits stuck in the grater, clean it by grating a piece of bread.

From : Simply Her - Apr 2008


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