Friday, January 30, 2009

More than words

Came across this very interesting article about the power of words from the Feb issue of Reader's Digest. Luckily the list is not too long, therefore, I can put it up here for you. :)

- Aegilops - the longest word with letters in alphabetical order
- Queuing - the longest word with 180-degree symmetry
- Stressed and Desserts - the longest words that can be reversed
- Esophagographers - the longest word in which all letters appear twice
- Strengths - the longest word that has only one vowel
- Stewardess - the longest word that can be typed with the left hand
- Dermatoglyphics - the longest word without repeating a letter
- Latchstring - longest run of consonants
- Screeched - longest one-syllable word
- Honorificabilitudinitatibus - the longest word to alternate consonants and vowels


Dj Sam February 1, 2009 at 11:15 PM  

alamak... sorry lah babe... the sophia nick was like the age in time where i was like still holding on to the sony ericsson phone... oh well, i've already fallen to the dark side of blogging on blogspot... so link me up yah....

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