Saturday, April 19, 2008

To the cinema : The Forbidden Kingdom

When I saw the write-up of The Forbidden Kingdom in the papers, saying that after so many years and so many movies, Jackie Chan and Jet Li are finally starring in one together, I told the husband we are going to watch it when it's released.

So the husband suggested that we go after work and we quickly decided on the cinema and the next thing I know, we had already bought the tickets. It was then that I realised that I didn't even know what the movie was all about. And this was the first time that I had bought tickets to a movie without reading sypnosis and reviews. But then again, any movie with Jackie Chan shouldn't be that bad.
Anyway, for the storyline, it was nothing special or had much Wow factor as it was quite predictable. Ok, maybe there was this tiny little twist at the end. But other than that, the audience should be able to know what goes on next, so I shouldn't reveal too much here. And also, as expected, Jackie Chan is the funny man, while Jet Li is the "act-cool" guy.
One thing that made me a little uncomfortable was their dialogues. Imagine people wearing those Kungfu kind of old-times China speaking English... it was strange, and takes some getting used to, especially there are times when the actors alternate between the two languages.
But hey, it's Hollywood, baby. So, anything goes. As long as the show reaps in high box office sales.
Overall, it was an enjoyable movie, and one that is suitable for the whole family. Oh, and be prepared to see bad guys with pretty eye makeup. :)


Anonymous April 21, 2008 at 11:55 PM  


1 mountain cannot have 2 tigers.. :P

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