Sunday, December 30, 2007

Have you made your 2008 resolution(s)?

From : Channel NewsAsia
Singaporeans share their New Year's resolutions
Posted: 26 December 2007 2125 hrs

SINGAPORE : The end of the year is usually a time to spend and celebrate. And for many, it is also to keep to a time-honoured tradition of making a resolution for the new year.

"To be nice to my wife all year - that's my New Year's resolution, because she's very nice to me," said a member of the public.

"(We’re) planning on buying a bigger house. And hopefully, after buying the house, it's to have a baby," said another.

"I'm going to study hard for my 'O' levels, play less and work more," said a third.

Hitting the gyms more often is one resolution that's cited by many.

Gym operators said attendance numbers tend to go up at the start of the year, but decline as the months pass by.

So if most people tend to break their New Year resolutions, why do they make them in the first place?

"You have to look forward to something. But it's good to break them, so you can make a new one again," said one person.

Psychologist Danny Ng said one way to keep your resolution is get the message out loud and clear.

"Normally it works best when we have someone that we are willing to be accountable to. In other words, a statement like 'I wish to spend more time with my family', if we are sincere and seriously considering it, then we'll say to our family members and make this commitment to them," said Dr Ng, a consultant psychologist at Raffles Hospital.

So, many continue to make resolutions because they believe that next year will be different; and with some planning, that could very well come true in 2008. - CNA /ls


How many of you actually believe in making new year resolution(s)?

It's like making some kind of promise to yourself, then if you don't keep it, you won't feel bad at all. Ok, maybe you'll be feeling a little guilty for a while... but just for a while. Then after that, you would have forgotten all about the resolutions you have made and broken within a couple of weeks. (I know someone is going to have something to say about this...)

Well, I didn't mean to make the last post of the year to be quite this negative. But, hey... isn't it true to a certain extent? I mean, how many of you really do make any new year resolutions? And what kind are they? Even if you did make some, did you really complete them by the end of the year? Honestly? I'm really curious to know.

Though I don't believe in making resolutions, I do like to make a sort of wishlist. Hmmm... isn't resolutions something like a wishlist, I hear you asking. Not to me. Resolutions are things you tell yourself that you will do (like that guy who wants to be nice to his wife in 2008, and then I don't know what will happen in 2009), and most likely it's within your means to fulfil it.

A wishlist consists of some things you hope/wish/pray hard hard that will happen to you (I wish to strike one big TOTO prize), or to the people around you (I wish my neighbour upstairs would be more considerate), something that someone might do for you (I want pay increase every quarter), or something that someone might get for you (I really like that new handphone). Anybody around you, anybody you know can help you to fulfil what you want in your wishlist, maybe even yourself. And the best part is, you can put more than one 'wish' in a wishlist. Heh.

Here goes:

To all my family and friends,
Good health and wealth!

To all who are still studying,
All the best for the studies!
(do all the homework, complete all the assessment books, read all the textbooks, attend all the lessons...)

To all who are building your careers,
You can do it! *oosh!*

To all who are single (those above 21 years old),
Hope you can find your Prince/Princess soon.
(You guys are lucky that I don't have the tendency to want to match-make you.)

To all who are attached,
GET MARRIED SOON!!! What are you waiting for??!!!

To all who are married,
Best wishes for the both of you! Continue to love each other deep deep. :)

To my neighbours (upstairs, downstairs, opposite blocks around),
Be a teeny-weeny bit more considerate, ya?

To my husband,
The bestest of the best in your career, and *whisper whisper*... *wink wink*.... and *beeeeep*... *hush hush*... *censored*... ... :)

Last but not least... to everyone...

All the best for 2008!
May all your wishes for the new year come true!!


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