Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Goodbye 2008

To be honest, I'm not sorry at all that the year 2008 is coming to an end. If I were to think back over the past 365 days, besides what had happened around the world, natural or man-causing disasters, I can almost be sure that there were more unhappy stuff compared to happy ones, at least that is what I can say for myself.

I realised more than ever how true the statement "never judge a book by its cover" is. People can act nice and friendly in front of you, then when your back is turned, they will stab you from behind, and you never realised that you are dying of blood loss until it's too late. I thought I should have gotten used to such office politics by now, but then when it happened, I couldn't stop thinking about it. What is worse is not trying to find out who those bastards are, but realising that I have started to look at almost everyone with suspicions. WTH??!!

Too much had happened within just this one month, and I understand more than ever that life is never predictable. And whatever planned-ahead stuff usually never work out as how you expected. It's not me not being flexible, but the curveball that was thrown to me was sooooo curved that I couldn't even make out the path that it was travelling on, much less its destination.

But whatever it is, one thing I'm really glad that will not change is the love from family and friends. Thanks a lot, people.

So, goodbye 2008... I don't think I'll miss you much.


Chelly January 3, 2009 at 12:05 AM  

may 2009 be better for everyone. =)

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